July 15, 2021

EECC x Inspire & Ball Workshop

The Inspire & Ball youths participated in a workshop where they received a crash course on how to maintain & clean their bikes. They were also gifted helmets and other cycling essentials courtesy of Opus. 



Following the workshop, the team went on a ride led by EECC.

The first stop was Tran Cantine where everybody enjoyed their famous Banh Mi & lemonade. Once they were fuelled up, the ride continued to The Beta Bar, an Adaptogenic Beverage Bar inside of SSENSE Montreal.

Finally, after spending quality time in the sun, we concluded the afternoon at Velish Village for some organic cold press juices to replenish the body. 

Thank you to everybody who made this experience possible & the INSPIRE youths for being engaged and open-minded. 

Photos by Paulo Vivanco 





EECC x Health Our Way x Adidas x Opus Bike Community Ride